Washing and drying nuts

Important stages in the process of harvesting walnuts - peeling from the green pericarp and drying. On an industrial scale, it is necessary to save time and carry out these procedures as soon as possible, speeding up the process of processing and harvesting walnuts.
Ripe walnuts can not stay long in the green skin, especially if it is already blackened and cracked. All because the iodine contained in the pericarp can be eaten into the shell and with prolonged exposure can penetrate into the kernel. This causes blackening and spoilage of the walnut. When young walnuts in green skin need careful and quick cleaning, you can not do without special equipment.
For quick, high-quality removal of the green pericarp, our masters have made a special machine - a walnut peeling machine from green peel.
Walnut peeling machine from green peel - equipment specifically designed for the thorough and rapid cleaning of green walnut peels on an industrial or commercial scale.
The peeling machine effortlessly, and most importantly quickly, efficiently and carefully removes the green skin from young and ripe nuts, the pericarp of which is already separated from the fruit, as well as from young nuts. It will leave the shell intact without chips and cracks, and will also peel (wash) the walnut from iodine and other husks.
Advantages of walnut peeling machine from green peel:
- The process of peeling a walnut is significantly accelerated (depending on the degree of maturity of the nut, up to 1000 kg / h can be processed).
- Qualitatively and painlessly for the shell will remove the green pericarp. This increases the final price of the product (no chips, fractures, cracks and damage, and therefore the walnut kernel does not lose price).
- Together with the green peel, the peeling machine thoroughly washes away the iodine contained in the peel, which is a guarantee that the kernel will not darken.
- By using a peeling machine, you will protect the skin of your hands from getting hit by the juglon, which is contained in the pericarp and which is immediately absorbed into the skin and the hands become "black".
- Using a machine, you will cope with the work faster and start the next stage of nut processing earlier than competitors.
- Prevention of the nut, with the skin removes all debris, dust and dirt.
With the use of a peeling machine, you keep the shell intact, protect the nut kernel from darkening and preserve the value and price tag of the nut!
When picking a walnut from the ground, it is important to clean it of debris and dust. Walnuts with a clean shell have a higher value on the market and can be exported, and pure walnuts are easier to process. A walnut sink is used to clean the walnut from debris and dust.
It is important to dry fresh wet nuts properly, especially after washing and cleaning from the green pericarp. Industrial dryers are used for drying large volumes of walnuts. They maintain the required temperature and even drying of the nut. This is very important because even a small portion of undried walnuts can cause molding throughout the batch.
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