Walnut processing as a seasonal part-time job. What do you need to know and how to organize the process? / Information / OREHOVOD - nutcrackers for personal and industrial use
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Walnut processing as a seasonal part-time job. What do you need to know and how to organize the process?

Walnuts grow in almost every yard and it may seem that no one needs them. But, walnuts are in great demand on the international market under any conditions.

Walnut processing is a good seasonal job at any time. Often processing is organized as a small family business, cleaning walnuts in the evenings and on weekends in front of the TV.

Walnut processing is a part-time job opportunity for everyone. Homemade walnut processing does not require investment or great effort, and if you organize the work correctly, you can get a considerable profit.Walnut bussines

What do you need to know about walnut processing?

Basic knowledge is enough to get started:

  •  walnut can have a thin or thick shWalnutalnut with a thin shell is easier to process and you can get a large amount of a whole kernel. Walnut with a thick shell is more difficult to crack, and it is very difficult to remove the kernel whole
  • a light-colored whole kernel has the highest value, a dark kernel and crumbs is the cheapest
  • sorting kernels by size and color significantly increases earnings

You can process your own walnut, buy a walnut from your neighbors, or set up a walnut reception in your village or city.

It is recommended to use a conical nutcracker to crack a walnut. Thanks to its mechanism, the nutcracker only cracks the shell without damaging the kernel. Next, the kernel is cleaned from the shell, the septum is removed. Special tools are used to open the walnut, which speeds up and makes this process more comfortable, leaves the nails and fingers unharmed, and allows you to easily remove the whole kernel.

With the Butterfly steel 2 nutcracker, the processing process looks like this:

  • 1 person cracks the walnut with a nutcracker;
  • 4 sorters clean and immediately sort the kernel by size and color.
  • With independent processing, you can crack a walnut one day and spend the next few days sorting through it.

The Butterfly steel 2 nutcracker cracks an average of up to 15 kg of walnuts per hour. About 120 kg is obtained in 8 hours. As a result of sorting, 40-60 kg of clean kernels, ready for sale, will remain.

It is important to take into account that one person sorts no more than 25-30 kg of walnuts per day. This refers to the weight of the crack walnut together with the shell.

The profit depends on the quality of the kernel and the selling price of the walnut. You can sell walnuts in the market of your city, through bulletin boards or chats of walnut entrepreneurs.

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