What is the percentage yield of the whole kernel that can actually be obtained in the process of processing / Information / OREHOVOD - nutcrackers for personal and industrial use
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What is the percentage yield of the whole kernel that can actually be obtained in the process of processing

In walnut processing, the profit depends on the quality of the walnut. In order to get a quality kernel, for which pay more and from which you can make the most profit, you need to:

  1. Check the walnut that you buy. Choose a walnut with a thin shell and a light kernel.
  2. Select the processing method and equipment for the walnut quality and processing volume.

In Ukraine, almost all walnuts are taken from the population. The area of ​​walnut orchards with varietal trees is increasing every year, but so far they produce small crops, or the walnut from such an orchard goes directly to the end customer under contract. Therefore, the quality of walnuts that processors buy is heterogeneous, and even with a careful selection of walnuts, some percentage of low-quality raw materials will come across.

With the careful manual cracking of a variety of walnut or just a walnut of good quality, you can get up to 80-90% of the whole kernel.

Industrial conical nutcrackers are able to produce up to 80% of the whole kernel from the same high-quality walnut.

When processing a walnut with a thick shell by any method, the yield of the whole kernel will be minimal and may be 0%. After all, such a nut has a complex structure - the shell is thick, the partitions of the nut grow into the kernel, and the kernel is in close contact with the shell.

Household electric nutcrackers produce up to 40-70% whole kernels from a good-quality walnut, provided the walnut is pre-calibrated.

The output of the whole kernel directly depends on the quality of the walnut itself and the method of its processing. If you have a good-quality walnut, buy walnuts from commercial orchards or carefully select a walnut when buying, it is important to choose careful processing methods - manual or with the help of industrial nutcrackers. This way you can get up to 80% of the whole kernel.

If the walnut is thick-shelled or overdried, the yield percentage of the whole kernel will be low.

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