Formation of prices for walnuts. How to sell a nut for more!? / Information / OREHOVOD - nutcrackers for personal and industrial use
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Formation of prices for walnuts. How to sell a nut for more!?

Before buying a walnut, it is important to understand the principles by which prices are formed, as well as to study the market for the volume of nuts sold and offers. These same tips will be useful to those who are going to sell the nut.

The walnut market is divided into in-shell and already shelled walnuts. Each category has its own pricing policy.


Nut in shell can be:
- varietal and non-varietal;
- fighting (which peels well and gives a whole core) and greedy (with a thick shell and partitions grown into the core);
- wet (heavy, only collected), moderately dry (passed through the drying process in accordance with all the rules) and overdried (which was not dried or stored properly);
- fresh (this season) and last year's;

- clean, bright, without traces of damage or vice versa with dark areas;
- calibrated and uncalibrated.

The highest value will have a calibrated varietal nut of the new season, which has been dried, without stains and damage. The last year's greedy uncalibrated nut will have the lowest cost.

!A high price does not guarantee a good quality nut, so you need to check each batch by cracking.

The cleaned kernel is categorized by color and size:
- extra light, light, wheat, amber and unsorted
- 1/2 (half, butterfly), 1/4, 1/8, crumb, mix
There is also confectionery (small pieces of dark-colored kernels), flour (looks like powder) and crackers (shrunken kernels).

The highest value will have an extra light whole core (it is also 1/2, half, butterfly). The smallest - confectionery and cracker.

Also, the cost is affected by volumes:
- when buying nuts in large quantities, the price per kilogram will be lower;
- when selling a large volume of a nut, the cost of a kilogram will be higher than if selling a few kilograms.

Such pricing principles work not only in Ukraine, but all over the world.

You can preserve the high quality of the walnut by observing all the rules for collecting, drying and storing. You can increase the cost of a nut with the help of pre-sale preparation. When selling nuts in shell, this can be washing, drying and sizing. When selling the core - sorting by size and color.

You can buy/sell a walnut in the largest walnut community in Ukraine on Viber, Facebook or Telegram.

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